Friday, August 13, 2010

A Path to Freedom

The Law of Attraction, at first blush, is a brilliant and simple way to understand how our thoughts and feelings influence our life experience. It explains why we feel doubt, worry, anxiety and fear (this is our Higher Self letting us know that we are holding a thought or belief that is not in harmony with our true identity as co-Creators with Source Energy) and how the internal guidance system that we all have from birth, functions. The most integral part of "asking" is to recognize the feeling essence which we are offering to Source ~ if our thoughts are on abundance but we feel doubt or worry or fear, the essence of our "asking" is lack. So we want to use our thoughts to get to a place where we feel better, even if the thoughts have nothing to do with the subject matter at hand. Once we feel better ~ peaceful within the body, mind and spirit ~ then we can offer our essence from a higher vibration and let it go. "This or something better . . ."

On a deeper level, the Law of Attraction is about self-discovery. This simple formula is a path to ultimate freedom ~ freedom from the old and done conditioning, and into the "new" way of understanding our true identity and our true purpose for being here on the Earth plane. Or more accurately, a path back to the true remembering of who we really are.

Ultimately, our Higher Self is trying to get us to pay attention so that the path to remembering Who We Really Are becomes clear. Higher Self will use whatever area of life is likely to get your attention ~ finances, relationships, health, etc. ~ for the purpose of awakening and right action.

As we know ourselves where we are now, and ask for assistance to know who we really are, and release that which has served us in the past but doesn't serve us now, we access higher and higher levels of Consciousness, ultimately raising our vibration, freeing ourselves from lack and limiting thoughts and feelings, and knowing that all is well, no matter what is going on around us.

We desire because we believe we will feel better when we have "it." So, it's not the *thing* we want, it's the feeling that we believe we will experience when we are in possession of the thing (or condition, or relationship, or circumstance). It's the feeling that we want! And we can have those feelings any time ~ not just when things are in place ~ by using our thoughts to access our feelings. We want to feel good! Because when we feel good (happy, loved, safe, secure, vital, whole, healthy, strong, nurtured, supported, powerful, abundant ~ fill in the "feeling" here), we are in a natural state of allowing all that is ours by Divine right to flow into our experience. When we feel good, we are in a state of non-interference, of not resisting. Resistance arises when our doubts and beliefs about how deserving we are, how important we are to this process, how powerful we truly are, influence our thinking. "You can't be/do/have that, who do you think you are? This is the way you are and nothing will ever change. You can't go against your family/church/school/government's teachings/guidance ~ it's dangerous out there! It's safe here with what you've been taught. Don't go 'out there' ~ what makes you think you're so special? We weren't put here to be happy. Life sucks and then you die."

Sound familiar? The Law of Attraction is a gateway, a path to a deeper knowing of Consciousness. It's a path to true freedom, and the self-knowledge and divine affirmation we pick up along the way serves us in this lifetime, and in all lifetimes.

Will you walk it?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." ~ Albert Einstein

We are living in a very exciting time in the history of humankind and Planet Earth. Exhilarating advances in science, medicine, religion and technology are paving the way for humankind to awaken to and remember its True Self on a deeper, more profound level than ever before in recorded human history. We have the ability now to customize our gene pool to determine the color of our children's hair and eyes, to implement gene therapy that would give us immunity to Anthrax (a current bio-threat), and to create new weather patterns in parts of this world that do not experience precipitation ~ these are just a few of the advances that put the forces of nature at Man's fingertips.

We are living in a time that Carl Sagan called "technological adolescence." Some would say that we have the powers of God available to us ~ if that's so, do we also have the wisdom to discern right action?

If we are to use this information in a way that will benefit our species, Planet Earth and the Universe, then it is imperative that we know Who We Really Are. We must strive to understand our relationship to everything and everyone around us ~ we need to know that we are powerful and empowered, and that we are One.

As humanity moves forward in its evolution to achieve Unity Consciousness, "Oneness," a shift in consciousness, is possible on all levels: as individuals, and as members of our local, national, global and universal communities. This is a process of awakening to our true identities as Divine Eternal Beings; it is also a process of Self-Empowerment.

Each of us can identify areas in our personal life where we are being given opportunities to empower our Selves as Divine Beings. Just take a look at the global economy today and each of us is probably dealing with our financial circumstances and our beliefs about our finances. Do you believe that your financial abundance comes from your job or another external construct, or do you believe that your financial abundance comes through your connection to Source Energy? Do you feel powerless or empowered? Are you looking to, or hoping for, something outside of you to for the remedy to these conditions?

Consider that you are a powerful being, capable of crafting, attracting and manifesting a life experience filled with abundance, prosperity, joy, peace and love. Consider that everything that you require in life to achieve fulfillment and happiness is already inside you. Esoteric and ancient texts show us that we are designed to be creators and manifestors, and if we consciously and deliberately use the inner technology that is our default setting, then we can create heaven here on earth for ourselves without taking anything away from anyone else.

Between 1993 and 2000, western science proved the existence of a field of intelligence that is everywhere, all the time, and is influenced by human emotion. Several famous experiments involving human DNA determined that this field of intelligence reacts to our emotions and to our focus. Western science has shown that something that we do in our bodies (thought) creates a chemical reaction (feeling) that affects the electromagnetic field around our bodies and that (emotion) in turn influences the world, or the field, around us. When a critical mass ~ reputedly the square root of one percent of our global population ~ reaches a certain level of understanding, that understanding and knowledge is integrated into all of humankind ~ a principle known as 'the 100th monkey syndrome.'

We are not just re-actors on a static stage ~ we are integral, important participants in the creation of life. The late John Wheeler was a professor at Princeton University, and a colleague of Albert Einstein. In his book, "The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries," author Denis Brian quotes John Wheeler: "The universe does not exist 'out there,' independent of us. We are inescapably involved in bringing about that which appears to be happening. We are not only observers. We are participators. . . this is a participatory universe (italics added for emphasis)." Wheeler also has been quoted as saying that we will never find the boundaries of the universe, because by our very act of looking for the end of the universe, the universe always puts something there for us to see.

Werner Heisenberg, a German theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner, seems to echo Wheelers beliefs: "What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning."

Wheeler and Heisenberg both indicate that human focus, human attention, human participation is what builds life.

Through their studies of theoretical (quantum) physics, these men came to understand how incredibly powerful we are as human beings.

Focus has two components ~ we focus on an idea, condition, or situation with our thoughts, and we have feelings about them. If we feel good as we focus, then we are in alignment with our Divine Identity. If we feel uncomfortable, tense, or angry and upset as we focus, then this is contrast and we are not in alignment with our Divine Identity. That feeling of dis-ease in the body is a message that something is not right. For example, if you are focused with your thoughts on desiring more money, or a loving romantic relationship, but you feel worried, anxious or sad, something is out of alignment ~ there is a core belief or conditioning that is creating a feeling of resistance, the essence of which is, "You can't have that, you don't deserve that, you are powerless here, who do you think you are?" Once you are aware of this resistance ~ some call it a block ~ you can then choose to keep your focus on what you desire, or you can keep your focus on the feeling of lack, as it were.

At the same time, if you have a general feeling of dis-ease in the body ~ some call it free-floating or low-grade anxiety or unease ~ rather than ignoring it and "pushing through," won't you consider what that feeling may be showing you? There is a gift there, if we would only pay attention. So if you are experiencing feelings that do not feel good, remembering that your feelings are the language of the Creator, and the response to our "asking" is always "yes." Know that if you stay focused in the feelings that do not feel good, you will eventually draw into your life experience that which you do not want. If you are experiencing feelings that feel good, then you will draw into your life experience that which you do want. The Universe has no judgment ~ the Creator knows that our Souls are Divine eternal beings, and therefore, we have eternity to experience it all! After all, a desire to experience itself through physical life is the reason that our Souls inhabit a physical body to have a human experience.

Once you have identified what you don't want, you can then turn it around to focus on what you do want.

It's a matter of choice ~ life-affirming thoughts and beliefs and feelings, or life-denying thoughts and beliefs and feelings.

Which will you choose today? What are you contributing to the collective experience?

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Law of Attraction is Always Working In Your Life

We have all heard, "What you put out, comes back," "What goes around, comes around," "Like attracts like." More importantly, we have all experienced this concept in one way or another.

This is the Law of Attraction. This is how Life works. And you can study the Law and use it deliberately to craft a life for yourself filled with peace, joy and happiness. You don't need any special equipment, secret passwords, or user's manual to utilize the Law of Attraction now. Everything that is required, is already inside you now. It's been there since the day you were born and it will be with you when you leave this world.

Your job, the primary purpose of your life, is to feel happy and peaceful ~ that is what it is like to experience God or whatever term for the Creator feels most comfortable to you. When you are happy and peaceful, and know Who You Really Are, every thing flows ~ there is no struggle, no anxiety, and well-being, peace and anticipation are your dominant emotions. Your job is to experience peace and happiness as much as you are able in each moment. The Law of Attraction shows you how to do that.

The Law of Attraction

1. Ask ~ Identify the desire (our job).

As we experience life, we encounter opportunities to identify our preferences in different areas of our life, like finances, health, relationships, work and home. Whether we are dealing with a bodily or health condition, life circumstances, the nature of interactions with others, or whatever situation comes our way ~ our reaction and our subsequent focus on the situation give rise to a feeling in the body, expressed through the heart. This sets up a vibration emitted through the heart, which acts as a transmission, if you will, conveying to the Creator that we desire an improved life experience. We experience life through alignment (we judge* the situation or circumstance to be happy, satisfying or uplifting) or through contrast (we judge* the situation or circumstance to be depressing, unhappy or unpleasant). We identify our reaction through our thoughts and words ("I love meeting new people!") and emotions (joy, happiness, excitement), and when we merge thoughts and emotions together through the heart to create a genuine heart-based feeling, through that feeling we are speaking the language of the Creator. The Creator, the Universe, the Field 'reads' the essence of our feelings ~ that is the language of Divine Intelligence, this is how we commune with Creation, this is a prayer. The feeling is the prayer.

*Esoterically speaking, there is no good or bad, "it is what it is," but each of us individually judges what is good and bad from our unique perspective. A topic for discussion for another day . . .

2. Answer ~ The answer is always "Yes!" (not our job). Always. No exceptions.

What we focus on ("Identify the desire"), we draw into our Life experience. The response is always "Yes!" Because we live in an inclusion-based Universe, whatever we are focusing on, and therefore identifying ~ through joyful anticipation or fearful worry or angry resentment ~ the Universe says, "Coming right up!" To the eternal Universe, there is no judgment of our choices ~ we have FREE WILL to choose through our focus, either on abundance (alignment / love / life-affirming) or lack (contrast / fear / life-denying). It says, "You are an eternal, Divine Being and if you desire poverty, isolation, powerlessness and chaos so that you can continue to learn and grow and expand your Consciousness, so be it! Enjoy, my beloved one." But the underlying discomfort that we feel when we experience worry, anger or resentment is there to let us know that we are currently identifying a life experience that is not congruent with our true identities as Divine Eternal Beings. That uncomfortable feeling in the pit of our stomach is our Higher Self, our Inner Being, making us aware and saying, "You are offering a thought, feeling and / or emotion that is not in harmony with Who You Really Are. Would you like to choose again?"

This is how life works, and once we are willing to at least consider this, if not embrace it, we can then begin to empower ourselves and re-member Who We Really Are.

So when you realize you are looking at something you do not want, turn it around to identify what it is you do want, focus on that, and get into the feeling experience** of having that condition, relationship or item in your life, and it will manifest into your physical experience.

**For this, we use our imagination, experiencing with our mind the desired circumstance as though it is already come to pass ~ we use our 5 physical senses to 'paint in virtual space' the multi-dimensional picture that we are wanting to experience now. Again, another topic for another day . . .

3. Allow ~ Allow that desire to manifest into Life experience (our job).

Once we have identified the desire, then it is our job to allow it to manifest. When we are in an open state ~ free from worry, resistance, concern or any other 'negative' emotion ~ we can receive all the beautiful things life has to offer freely ~ we are "in the flow." In an open state, we are much more likely to realize our desires, often very quickly. But what does that mean, "a truly open state?" Here is where the deep self-inquiry is valuable.

Understand that the reason that you want or desire something is because you believe you will feel better having it than you feel without it. When you comprehend that at the deepest level what you truly desire is the feeling that the "thing" brings you, and that you can create that feeling in your body with your thoughts and emotions any time you decide to ~ then you are free, and as a consequence, that which you desire can now come to you. And it will come quickly, because you have released your resistance.

Will you honor yourself with that gift?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who We Really Are ~ Our True Identity

Do you know you are a Divine Being? Did you know you are here purposely? A lot of people believe our life here on Earth is random, and we must play the hand we are dealt. A lot of people think that we have little choice except to react to what Life brings our way, and once our life here is over, that's all she wrote.

What if you started to look at our life differently? What if you started to see everything in your life experience as having purpose, reason, and a message? What if you knew, deep inside, that you are the Creator and the Creation ~ the script writer, the director and the actor? What if I told you that your thoughts, emotions and feelings all have creative power, and that when they are combined, you can affect your outer world and see different results?

Would it be worth at least taking a look?

All of us are Source Energy, which intended itself here and enlivens our physical body, to know itself in relationship ~ to other people, in challenging circumstances, through exciting conditions, it's all about knowing the Self. Source Energy, through each of us, is experiencing Life on Planet Earth, and as such we experience myriad situations and circumstances that invite us to look deeper. We are here to benefit from all that Life has to offer ~ Light and Shadow. If we look deeper, we can see new ways to empower our Selves and to transform our lives.

Life invites us to look deeper.

Life is conversation between us and that which intended itself here. Our life circumstances show us our end of the conversation. Look around ~ what do you see? What are you currently experiencing? Is it in alignment with what you believe you are offering on your end of the conversation? Is life mirroring back to you what you intended to put out? If not, you are invited to look more closely at what you are saying.

What is your Life mirroring? Are you living with a sense of peace, joy and harmony, or are you struggling with feelings of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment? Are your relationships supportive, nurturing and loving, or tense, conflicted and stressful? Is your career satisfying, exciting and expanding, or frustrating, tedious, and uninspring? How are your finances? Are you experiencing prosperity or lack ~ or somewhere in between? What about your health? Do you feel strong, vital and healthy, or tired, exhausted and lethargic?

We are empowered, and powerful, creators. Law of Attraction shows us where we are, where we want to be, and how to get there.

Tomorrow: The Law of Attraction

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What will you choose?

Did you know that each individual's unique perspective is significant? Yes, your life experience is vitally important and integral to the evolution of all human-kind ~ your experience adds to the collective!

We are intended here deliberately and purposefully by a Creative Force ~ there are many names so pick whatever feels most relatable to you. That Creative Force is pure love ~ pure positive emotion that wants us to thrive and expand and prosper. Each of us is a Divine spark of that Creative Force, focused consciously in a physical body. We are co-creators of this experience of Life, along with this Creative Force ~ we are participants. There is only one of us here, albeit walking around in many different bodies of differing size, shape and color. We have a choice to actively participate or passively experience.

We are not intended here, and we do not come here, to live up to an arbitrary set of conditions and expectations determined by seemingly all-powerful institutions ~ we are intended here, we choose to come here, to have our own experiences, discern our preferences, make our choices, and expand the ever-growing Creative Force that is Life. Few of us were taught this, but many are awakening to the truth that we can do, be and have anything that we want, and it is our job to discern our preferences, usually through the contrasting experiences we encounter.

The contrast that this Earth provides is ideal for that purpose. When you know what you don't want, you can identify what you do want more clearly. So, there are no mistakes or failures ~ only opportunities for awareness, growth and new choices.

As co-creators, our job is to participate in Life and, through that experience, discern our distinct individual preferences. Through the expression of the desire for those preferences ~ whether through thoughts, words or most importantly feelings, or any combination thereof ~ that Creative Force then receives the essence of that desire, that choice, and expands to become and to incorporate that desire into the Infinite realm of possibility. This Creative Force benefits from our experience!

This is The Law of Attraction. Welcome to the Game of Life!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Louise Hay's Latest Work of Art!

At the wonderful age of 83, Louise Hay has done it again. Her latest book, “Experience Your Good Now! Learning to Use Affirmations,” is a handbook, a manual for creating and living the life you desire using tools already in your possession ~ your thoughts and your feelings.

It is my pleasure to review this latest gem of a book, which I received free from Hay House, Inc. This book is entails more than affirmations. It is a cathartic tool for deep and profound self-inquiry, to plumb the depths of Shadow and roust our self-defeating beliefs and thoughts out of their well-ensconced hiding places into the Light, toward ultimate healing. Through beautifully crafted checklists for each subject of inquiry (aging, relationships, prosperity, health, etc.), Louise helps us to see the origin of these seeds of self-doubt and self-loathing. When we gain clarity with regard to how we got where we currently are with our bodies, thoughts and beliefs, we then feel empowered to reorient the path of our life and identify how we want to think and feel. The exercises outlined mid-chapter provide a therapeutic approach to realigning with our authentic self by acknowledging the old perspective, thereby making it easier to craft our new perspective.

In her wise and intuitive way, Louise then provides affirmations that one can use to connect, through the heart, with that which one desires to experience. Through these affirmations, especially when used consciously and deliberately, we can experience immediate results through our shift in perspective. Healing can occur “in the blink of an eye,” when these tools and affirmations are used in a “now” moment ~ “I release all age-related fears now.”

The comprehensive “treatments” at the end of the chapter are a sublime way to ground the new perspective into our bodies and thought processes.

Louise Hay has cemented her place among some of the most brilliant teachers in our history ~ Florence Scovill Shinn, Ernest Holmes, Neville, and James Allen, to name a few. She continues to bring us new and fresh ways to enhance our awakening, and this book is a chain of pearls of wisdom, there for our path of discovery if we will only ask for assistance.

In celebration of the release of Louise Jay’s new book, Hay House is offering the chance to win a spot on their I Can Do It! At Sea Caribbean Cruise, January 28 to February 4, 2010. You can learn more about Louise’s new book, and enter to win a spot on the cruise, by visiting

Best wishes, and enjoy Louise’s latest book!a

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goal-Setting and the Law of Attraction

It is Spring here in the northern hemisphere, and nature is lifting her beautiful head after a particularly active Winter. The trees are budding, tulips, daffodils and crocuses are blooming, and the energy of new growth and myriad possibilities is a driving force for all living things. In addition, we recently entered the New phase of the Moon, which means that we cannot see the Moon at this time ~ it is in darkness, since the Moon herself emits no light and is only seen when she is reflecting light from the Sun. A New Moon always represents rebirth, new beginnings, and new cycles. Potential!

This particular New Moon is in the Zodiac sign of Aries. In brief, Aries is about confidence, assertiveness and independence. It represents the Self, and our conscious will.

With the New Moon, and its position in the sign of Aries, this is the perfect time for goal-setting and formulating new ideas and projects! The darkness, in this context, represents the Void ~ the amorphous world of thought, from which all creation is birthed. This is an ideal time to look inward, connecting energetically with your creative potential, to identify what you desire to bring to Life in your experience.

Once you have identified your objects of creation, you can use the Law of Attraction, and the potent inner technology that we all carry in our bodies, deliberately and consciously, to enLIVEn your creations and, eventually and inevitably, witness them coming to fruition in this physical realm.

This is a lengthy blog, so get comfortable! Find a cozy, quiet spot, have your favorite beverage on hand, put your feet up, and prepare to activate your goals!

Who Are We to Create in the World?

Each of us is Source energy. Each of us is Source, focused in a physical body, for the purpose of knowing its Self, in relationship with that which, for the purposes of this discussion, we will call “other.” “Other” can be persons, material goods, conditions, circumstances, identities or titles (mother, father, sister, friend, teacher, pastor, boss, etc.). Through relationship with other, we experience our Selves in the scenario we call Life. As a result of this experience, we discern preference. Preference gives way to desire, and desire summons Life force, the creative force. The summoning of Life force is what creates more life! More discernment, more preferences, more creations. If we did not experience desires, we would not summon life force, and one could then posit that life would very quickly cease to be.

So, the question really is who are we NOT to create in the world?

To iterate, each of us is Source energy, focused in a physical body. The portion of Source that is focused in this physical body is relatively small, in comparison to that portion of Source that resides in the non-physical realm. Yes, the portion of Source energy that enLIVEns your physical body is an extension of a much larger, broader, expansive Source energy “body,” which remains in non-physical.

Houston, We Have Lift-Off

To illustrate this relationship, I like to use the analogy of the relationship between NASA and its exploratory vehicle, the Space Shuttle. Each of us is like the Space Shuttle, an important part of NASA, launched from home base on its exploratory mission, tasked with a specific goal (in this case, experience Life in relationship to “other”), and sending intelligence back to home base.

NASA represents the huge portion of Source energy that remains in the non-Physical realm ~ home base, if you will. When the Space Shuttle is launched from home base to carry out its exploratory mission, it is a small piece with a huge team (NASA) that remains behind, with its broad, expansive, abundant perspective and power ever at the ready. When the Space Shuttle identifies a need, NASA is there to assist from that broader, more expansive perspective.

When the Space Shuttle is in orbit, in outer space, NASA doesn’t say, “Okay, orbiter, you’re on your own. See you when you get back.” No! NASA is always there, always communicating, always ready with assistance and encouragement.

The Universal Law of Attraction, In Brief

The Universal Law of Attraction (for it is, indeed, a Universal law) is a very simple, straightforward formula:

  1. Ask for what you desire. We do this in a variety of ways, all of which influence, affect and constitute our vibration, which is the language through which we speak to Source.
  2. The answer is always yes! (This is Source’s part in the formula.)
  3. Allow your object of creation to manifest in the physical.

There are many ways of asking ~ through contrasting experience (you experience what you don’t want, and instantly identify what you do want, on the subtle, energetic level), through prayer (and there are several types of prayers), through direct experience (“I like that, I want that!”). Regardless of the asking mechanism, the Higher Self, the part that remains in the non-Physical realm, immediately becomes that which we do want, and vibrationally goes about pulling together all the people, circumstances, conditions, etc. that are in vibrational alignment with that-which-we-do-want.

Then it is our choice to stay in alignment with our desire, or to experience resistance to our desire.

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

As we experience life here on this planet Earth, we come to realize that we live in a Universe based in contrast and polarity. Everything in this Universe has its opposite counterpart. Neither is good or bad ~ “good” and “bad,” “positive” and “negative” are labels of judgment that each of us assigns subjectively, as a result of our own individual filters. Each thing just is ~ it would not exist without the benefit of its opposite.

As we continue to accumulate Life experience, we learn to discern our preferences, and just through having a preference, we are asking.

Communion with Source ~ Asking with Deliberate Consciousness

Now we come to the heart of this discussion, the purpose for this paper. The previous discussion and analogies present the perspective that we are here in this physical body on this physical plane deliberately, consciously and purposefully. You are not here randomly or by accident. Since you are Source energy, you intended your Self here now.

You intended your Self here now. That is how powerful we are. And we can use that power deliberately, consciously and purposefully to craft a more pleasing, joyful life experience.

Are We There Yet?

I want to now discuss what I believe to be the most effective, streamlined way to do that.

This blog may be lengthy, because I am still getting clear on the mechanics, the relationships, the logistics ~ how it all works. “We teach what we need to learn,” so I’m learning right along with you!

But the actual creation process, utilizing the internal technology that we all hold within our physicality, takes only a few minutes. You can take longer if you want to, if you are enjoying how it feels as you go through the process. You will see how it really is all about feeling good.

Now that we know the formula, and have a clearer understanding of our relationship with Source, we can begin creating now deliberately with clarity and purpose.

Communion and Creation

We have identified something particular that we want to experience in our Life ~ our goal ~ whether it’s a relationship, condition, material possession, circumstance ~ whatever. Now, find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for at least 5-10 minutes ~ longer, if you have it. Get into a comfortable position, whether you are sitting up or lying down. Close your eyes and get comfortable. Take several deep, long breaths and feel your body relax. You are now releasing resistance in your body, and getting your Self into a more peaceful state of Being..

Once you feel that Peaceful state, bring your desire into your mind. Do you see it as a picture in your head? If it’s a relationship, see that person physically with you. If it’s a career or business, see yourself in that setting. If it’s a material possession ~ a home, a car ~ see yourself in that setting.....

See yourself there now.

Now, here’s where it gets fun. With your eyes closed, what do you see? What do you smell, taste, touch, hear? What are the feelings associated with your desire?

Do you feel the wind in your hair? Smell that “new car” smell? What do you hear, see? Are you on a multi-lane highway, or a quiet country road? Driving down the Pacific Coast Highway, with the ocean view? Or driving up Route 1 in Maine, with its lovely, quaint coastal villages and harbors. Do you smell the sea? Hear the gulls? Feel the salty air on your skin? Are you on a country lane? Can you smell the earth? Are you passing horse or cattle or dairy farms? Can you smell those earthy, potent animal smells? Can you hear the birds ~ crows, chickadees, geese?

What’s the atmosphere like in your “office?” What sort of furniture do you see? Are there lots of windows? Is there a lot of light, or do you prefer a more subdued lighting concept? Can you smell coffee brewing? Is there lots of hustle and bustle in your office, or is it more peaceful and quiet? Do you keep a bowl of candy or mints on your desk? Is your chair upholstered in cloth or leather? Do you have a PC or a Mac? Is it on your desk or a near-by credenza? Do you have plants and photos, or do you prefer a more stark, uncluttered environment? Is there lots of wood, or do you prefer more metal?

Are you out to dinner with your Beloved? Is the restaurant setting romantic, candle-lit? Is there lovely music playing in the background? Can you smell the candles, the flowers ~ the food? What kind of restaurant is it ~ Italian, Greek, French, Thai? Are you holding hands across the table? Are you dressed up, or casually dressed? Is this the perfect end to a lovely day together, window-shopping and antiquing? Or is it a reunion after a long work day? Are you celebrating a special occasion, or simply reconnecting? What is your conversation like? Are you making plans for a future event? What do you see on the walls? What is the atmosphere like ~ light and airy, or subdued and intimate? Are you in a small town, a big city, near the water, in the mountains?

What does it feel like to be in your healthy body? Do you feel strong and efficient? What kinds of healthful foods are you eating? How does that apple, or peach or pear feel in your hand? Can you feel your feet planted firmly on the earth? Are your shoes on or off? Can you feel the grass under your feet? How powerful do you feel knowing all your systems in your body are working optimally, just as they were meant to? Are you going for a walk, or preparing for a 10K? Are you relaxing after a long day running after your children? Preparing a healthful meal with your family? Or maybe your favorite recipe and a glass of wine as you sit down to watch your favorite movie? How does it feel to have the energy to perform routine, mundane tasks yourself, contrivuting to your feeling of independence and competence?

What words would you use to describe the feel of your ideal home? Is it big and airy? Cute and cozy? Are there carpets, or hardwood floors? Are the lines clean and simple? Or do you prefer enhancements, like moulding and chair rails, wainscotting? Do you have built-in cabinets and shelving in your house? What are the bathrooms like? Marble sinks? Lots of glass? Big clawfoot tub and exposed brass or copper plumbing? Two sinks or one? Glass shower door, or shower curtain? Are your walls painted or papered? How many floors in your ideal home? Is there a porch? Are you in a house or a condo? What is the surrounding landscaping like? Are you in the city, a quiet suburb, or in the country?

You see the point. Engaging all your physical senses, through thoughts, plus feeling the essence of your creation ~ this is Communion. You are communing with your Higher Self, BEcoming one with your creation. This is a form of prayer, a highly effective form of prayer. The feeling is the prayer. The feeling is what determines the quality of the vibration, and the level of vibration. The vibration activates, if you will, the blueprint that you have selected for your creation.

Spend some time “there” now. Use your thoughts to access all your physical senses ~ create through Being, which is to say, through feeling.

Wrapping It Up

Now that you have spent this time creating, take a minute to take a few deep breaths and settle back into your body. How do you feel? Peaceful, or anxious? Happy, or uncertain? Little of both, maybe? That can happen, especially when we feel attached to the outcome.

What you’ve just done is you have tapped into the essence of the creation. You have just connected energetically with your creation. Now, the Universe, your Higher Self, is doing its part to connect your physical Life experience with everything that is in alignment with that creation. If you continue to feel resistance in the form of doubt, anxiety, worry, you are attached to the outcome, or more precisely, you are afraid that it won’t come to pass, or at least not in the way that you envisioned it.

Please understand that even before you sat down to participate in your role as a co-creator, the Higher Self that is connected to you already knows what’s going to make you feel good. Your participation as a co-creator ~ looking at details and characteristics and specifics ~ is to get you to the feeling, not to pick out the nuts-and-bolts, 2x4‘s and raw materials of your creation. It is to get you to the feeling, the feeling, the FEELING! The feeling is the activator code ~ the feeling is the hotline to 1-800-IAMSOURCE.

So you want to stay feeling good and peaceful. You want to release your attachment to the outcome. Feel that peaceful feeling again, and then access the feeling of gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling of the highest vibration. “Thank you for allowing me the gift of creation.”

Finish your visualization, your meditation, your creation with “This, or something better.” This is a great little phrase, crafted by Catherine Ponder, a 20th century inspirational author who has written many books on prosperity. “This, or something better,” tells the Universe you like what you have connected with and you are open to something even better ~ which, by the way, is probably what the Universe has in mind for you anyway.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, let me end with something I read in Esther Hicks’ book “Money and the Law of Attraction.” I used to have the mindset that I had to control every detail of my creation, and my faith in myself and Source was lacking (no pun intended). When I read this simple explanation, I cant tell you enough how inspired I felt. It was, to quote Oprah, an “a-HA!” moment:

“Everything you think you want, is because you believe that you will feel better in the having of it. When you understand that you can feel better any time [through your thoughts and emotions]...that is true freedom.”

It’s not the thing I want ~ it’s the feeling that the thing represents for me! And I can feel that feeling any time ~ yes, I can, any time.

I released a whole lot of resistance with that one.

Now, just sit back, relax, stay peaceful, and watch what happens with your creation in the coming days, weeks and months. And keep your eyes and ears open for signs that it’s manifesting ~ you will be amazed, especially when you ask for confirmation!

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