Friday, August 13, 2010

A Path to Freedom

The Law of Attraction, at first blush, is a brilliant and simple way to understand how our thoughts and feelings influence our life experience. It explains why we feel doubt, worry, anxiety and fear (this is our Higher Self letting us know that we are holding a thought or belief that is not in harmony with our true identity as co-Creators with Source Energy) and how the internal guidance system that we all have from birth, functions. The most integral part of "asking" is to recognize the feeling essence which we are offering to Source ~ if our thoughts are on abundance but we feel doubt or worry or fear, the essence of our "asking" is lack. So we want to use our thoughts to get to a place where we feel better, even if the thoughts have nothing to do with the subject matter at hand. Once we feel better ~ peaceful within the body, mind and spirit ~ then we can offer our essence from a higher vibration and let it go. "This or something better . . ."

On a deeper level, the Law of Attraction is about self-discovery. This simple formula is a path to ultimate freedom ~ freedom from the old and done conditioning, and into the "new" way of understanding our true identity and our true purpose for being here on the Earth plane. Or more accurately, a path back to the true remembering of who we really are.

Ultimately, our Higher Self is trying to get us to pay attention so that the path to remembering Who We Really Are becomes clear. Higher Self will use whatever area of life is likely to get your attention ~ finances, relationships, health, etc. ~ for the purpose of awakening and right action.

As we know ourselves where we are now, and ask for assistance to know who we really are, and release that which has served us in the past but doesn't serve us now, we access higher and higher levels of Consciousness, ultimately raising our vibration, freeing ourselves from lack and limiting thoughts and feelings, and knowing that all is well, no matter what is going on around us.

We desire because we believe we will feel better when we have "it." So, it's not the *thing* we want, it's the feeling that we believe we will experience when we are in possession of the thing (or condition, or relationship, or circumstance). It's the feeling that we want! And we can have those feelings any time ~ not just when things are in place ~ by using our thoughts to access our feelings. We want to feel good! Because when we feel good (happy, loved, safe, secure, vital, whole, healthy, strong, nurtured, supported, powerful, abundant ~ fill in the "feeling" here), we are in a natural state of allowing all that is ours by Divine right to flow into our experience. When we feel good, we are in a state of non-interference, of not resisting. Resistance arises when our doubts and beliefs about how deserving we are, how important we are to this process, how powerful we truly are, influence our thinking. "You can't be/do/have that, who do you think you are? This is the way you are and nothing will ever change. You can't go against your family/church/school/government's teachings/guidance ~ it's dangerous out there! It's safe here with what you've been taught. Don't go 'out there' ~ what makes you think you're so special? We weren't put here to be happy. Life sucks and then you die."

Sound familiar? The Law of Attraction is a gateway, a path to a deeper knowing of Consciousness. It's a path to true freedom, and the self-knowledge and divine affirmation we pick up along the way serves us in this lifetime, and in all lifetimes.

Will you walk it?