Saturday, July 24, 2010

What will you choose?

Did you know that each individual's unique perspective is significant? Yes, your life experience is vitally important and integral to the evolution of all human-kind ~ your experience adds to the collective!

We are intended here deliberately and purposefully by a Creative Force ~ there are many names so pick whatever feels most relatable to you. That Creative Force is pure love ~ pure positive emotion that wants us to thrive and expand and prosper. Each of us is a Divine spark of that Creative Force, focused consciously in a physical body. We are co-creators of this experience of Life, along with this Creative Force ~ we are participants. There is only one of us here, albeit walking around in many different bodies of differing size, shape and color. We have a choice to actively participate or passively experience.

We are not intended here, and we do not come here, to live up to an arbitrary set of conditions and expectations determined by seemingly all-powerful institutions ~ we are intended here, we choose to come here, to have our own experiences, discern our preferences, make our choices, and expand the ever-growing Creative Force that is Life. Few of us were taught this, but many are awakening to the truth that we can do, be and have anything that we want, and it is our job to discern our preferences, usually through the contrasting experiences we encounter.

The contrast that this Earth provides is ideal for that purpose. When you know what you don't want, you can identify what you do want more clearly. So, there are no mistakes or failures ~ only opportunities for awareness, growth and new choices.

As co-creators, our job is to participate in Life and, through that experience, discern our distinct individual preferences. Through the expression of the desire for those preferences ~ whether through thoughts, words or most importantly feelings, or any combination thereof ~ that Creative Force then receives the essence of that desire, that choice, and expands to become and to incorporate that desire into the Infinite realm of possibility. This Creative Force benefits from our experience!

This is The Law of Attraction. Welcome to the Game of Life!