Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who We Really Are ~ Our True Identity

Do you know you are a Divine Being? Did you know you are here purposely? A lot of people believe our life here on Earth is random, and we must play the hand we are dealt. A lot of people think that we have little choice except to react to what Life brings our way, and once our life here is over, that's all she wrote.

What if you started to look at our life differently? What if you started to see everything in your life experience as having purpose, reason, and a message? What if you knew, deep inside, that you are the Creator and the Creation ~ the script writer, the director and the actor? What if I told you that your thoughts, emotions and feelings all have creative power, and that when they are combined, you can affect your outer world and see different results?

Would it be worth at least taking a look?

All of us are Source Energy, which intended itself here and enlivens our physical body, to know itself in relationship ~ to other people, in challenging circumstances, through exciting conditions, it's all about knowing the Self. Source Energy, through each of us, is experiencing Life on Planet Earth, and as such we experience myriad situations and circumstances that invite us to look deeper. We are here to benefit from all that Life has to offer ~ Light and Shadow. If we look deeper, we can see new ways to empower our Selves and to transform our lives.

Life invites us to look deeper.

Life is conversation between us and that which intended itself here. Our life circumstances show us our end of the conversation. Look around ~ what do you see? What are you currently experiencing? Is it in alignment with what you believe you are offering on your end of the conversation? Is life mirroring back to you what you intended to put out? If not, you are invited to look more closely at what you are saying.

What is your Life mirroring? Are you living with a sense of peace, joy and harmony, or are you struggling with feelings of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment? Are your relationships supportive, nurturing and loving, or tense, conflicted and stressful? Is your career satisfying, exciting and expanding, or frustrating, tedious, and uninspring? How are your finances? Are you experiencing prosperity or lack ~ or somewhere in between? What about your health? Do you feel strong, vital and healthy, or tired, exhausted and lethargic?

We are empowered, and powerful, creators. Law of Attraction shows us where we are, where we want to be, and how to get there.

Tomorrow: The Law of Attraction