Monday, February 1, 2010

Resistance: What Is It Really? Part I

One of the most challenging aspects of studying and implementing the Law of Attraction ~ for me as an individual and for my clients, Meetup participants, and listeners ~ is the aspect of resistance. As a new initiate into what turned out to be the most transformational Life Study path I had ever undertaken, I struggled with resistance from the very beginning (no pun intended). I asked myself, “If the Law of Attraction is about focusing on what I want to manifest in my life experience, why on earth would I resist what I want?” It was a concept that took some time to fully understand.

But I believe I’ve got it now.

An underlying tenet of the Law of Attraction avows that each of us is Source Energy (that creative force we call by different names according to our conditioning, such as God, Allah, The Great Spirit) focused in a physical body. That Source Energy part of me that is physically focused is still connected to its non-physically focused counterpart ~ and that nonphysical part of Source Energy that is me, is much, much larger and expansive than the “little” part that animates and enlivens my physical body.

Are you with me? If you are like me, you like analogies ~ it makes ideas easier to conceptualize and therefore integrate. So let’s use NASA to illustrate this relationship.

In this analogy, NASA represents the non-physically focused part of me ~ myriad pieces of equipment and resources and a broader, expanded perspective ~ and the space shuttle Endeavour represents the physically focused part of me ~ it contains all the technology needed to perform its mission, and has a more narrow perspective, to perform discrete tasks to complete this particular mission.

So, even when Endeavour has lifted off from Cape Canaveral and is circling the planet or navigating toward the Moon or Mir, NASA is still aware of and intimately involved in every aspect of the mission ~ Endeavour is still part of NASA. Endeavour is always connected to NASA, and NASA is always there to keep the mission on track, with its broader perspective and ultimate understanding of the mission’s goals.

Does that help?

So each of us is Source Energy, stretching its connection to that part of us that remains in the nonphysical, in order to perform its mission here in the physical world ~ to experience Itself in relationship to the Other. The best way to know one’s self is in relationship, and the same is true for Source.

From its broader, eternal perspective, all is always well. The main goal of Source is life and life experience.

Life is about experiencing life, its ups and downs, joys and disappointments, peaks and valleys. This experience is incredibly important and valuable because it is through experience that we become clear on our personal likes and dislikes. And that is why this environment that we call Earth, is so perfect for creating! It offers all manner of experiences ~ what we, in our limited, personality / ego perspective judge to be negative (undesirable) or positive (desirable) ~ so that we can discern our individual preferences.

If we were not able to discern difference, we could not express a preference, and it is through that expression of preference that we vibrationally summon Source. Vibration is the language of Source Energy. And if we couldn’t vibrationally summon Source, then life would cease. So you can see why the entire Universe is built on our ability to express preference and therefore summon new life.

Once we discern what we like, we express that preference through our thoughts, our feelings and our words ~ and the part of us that remains in the Non-Physical says (in effect) “Yes!” and becomes instantaneously aligned vibrationally with our preference ~ it becomes our preference. This all happens in the blink of an eye, in a split second. And in that split-second timing, that which is focused in the Physical and that which remains in the Non-Physical are one ~ vibrating in harmony, recognizing its True Nature as that Creative Force that can have, do and be anything it can conceive and desire!

Folks, this is what is referred to as the State of Allowing. In that split-second timing, we are Allowing our True Nature. We are Allowing the process to carry forth the way it was always intended.

And just as quickly, our personality / ego jumps in with all the reasons why our desire cannot be, will not be, should not be, could not possibly be. It offers up all the doubts, fears, obstacles, proof why we should just forget our dream, settle for what is more likely, face “reality” and compromise ~ and it summons forth all those people who will give voice to those sentiments. “You have to play the hand you’re dealt.” “We weren’t put here to be happy!” “Life is hard.” “Who do you think you are, Jesus Christ?” “Prepare for the worst but hope for the best.” “What makes you so special?”

This, my friends, is called the State of Resistance. When we are focused on those doubts, fears, obstacles, voices, it ~ our desire ~ seems utterly unattainable. Then we start adding to it. “I must be out of my mind, I can’t change / manifest this situation / condition / relationship. I have no idea how to do that! I just have to accept that this is the way it is. Maybe I can get out of this relationship / situation and start over. ‘They’ never understood me anyway. Nothing ever goes the way I want it. It’s too big / hard / complicated / important, and I’m just one person . . . .” The list goes on and on ~ and you can probably fill in your own inner dialogue as well.

You see, when you know Who You Truly Are ~ really, really know your true Divine Identity as an extension of the Most High ~ these doubts, fears, and obstacles evaporate. You begin to see your Self from a Higher Perspective, a Soul Perspective. The personality / ego perspective is limited by its nature. The Soul Perspective is much broader and always in alignment with Source Energy. The personality / ego perspective gives credence only to that which it can detect with the physical senses. It is shackled by conditioning, training and indoctrination ~ it seems the more worthwhile path to “go along and get along.”

This is Resistance ~ resisting Who You Truly Are ~ and it feels really uncomfortable. You get that feeling in the pit of your stomach, and you start to focus on how you feel and now your thoughts are involved. Your thoughts are now focused on why you feel bad, and you start casting around your environment with your thoughts to identify reasons why you feel bad, and then you start building from there, adding more reasons to feel bad, until pretty soon, you want to crawl into bed, pull the covers up over your head and shut out the world.

So resistance means resisting your true divine nature, and that negative feeling you have in your gut is the tension between what you are currently focusing on, and your true nature which is still in the Non-Physical which said “Yes!” in that instant that you expressed a desire.

That is resistance ~ so what do we do about it? There is hope! Stay tuned . . .

Tomorrow: Resistance: What Do I Do About It? Part II