Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Feeling is the Prayer

So much is going on in Consciousness right now ~ do you feel it? We underwent a Solar Eclipse on Tuesday, the longest of this century at 6 minutes and 39 seconds. In addition, Wednesday marked the beginning of a new moon cycle. Very powerful energies. There is a lot of deeper information on the Web if you feel inclined to investigate further.

This New Moon is in Cancer ~ as was the previous New Moon. Cancer is all about feeling, and the Moon is very comfortable in Cancer. We are encouraged and invited to become comfortable with and indeed utilize, the realm of feelings, especially as we intend to connect to Who We Are, at our core.

I facilitate a Meetup group whose members desire to learn and understand how to deliberately focus on what we would like to experience, and the topic of this Meetup is a tool that Abraham calls "pre-paving." We can use it every morning to set the tone of our day, before or after meditation as we visualize the life we desire to experience, and when we are dealing with a troublesome meeting, appointment or event where we would normally feel dread but push through anyway. Those are a few of its uses.

Pre-paving involves focused thought which then invokes the emotion we experience in our body.

The result of thought and emotion is feeling, and that is the language through which we communicate with Infinite Intelligence. The Essene Gospel says, "Three are the houses of the sons and daughters of Man ~ thought, feeling and emotion. When three become one, you will say to the mountain 'move' and the mountain will move."

Typically, feelings are the realm of the Feminine ~ which does not preclude women from living in their heads! So it's a fair playing field ~ all of Humankind is being encouraged and invited to become comfortable with the realm of feelings. Understand this is compulsory, not optional, if we are to experience Heaven on Earth.

Soul is the realm of feeling, and feeling is the realm of Soul. In the very ancient science of Gematria ~ the precursor to what we know as Numerology ~ "soul," "heaven," and "God" all have the same numerical value and therefore the same meaning. If we want to access the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God or the realm of the Soul, we do so through our feeling technology.

Consciousness responds to feeling. Gregg Braden, on his CD series, "Speaking the Lost Language of God," expresses this beautifully:

"As we choose the quality of thought, feeling and emotion within our bodies that support what we would choose to have in our lives, that feeling, is the language that communicates to the [Field, Quantum Hologram, Divine Intelligence] around us, to the intelligence that responds to human emotion, how to bring that reality into our world."

This is a conversation ~ we have an effect on Consciousness and Consciousness has an effect on us.

Look around you ~ what are you saying to Infinite Intelligence?