Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I want it NOW!!

Many of us are working with this aspect of understanding our Divine nature, and always in ways that will ensure that we give it our attention! As Abraham says, every subject is really two subjects ~ the "thing" and the lack of the "thing." Always, we have two choices ~ focusing on how it feels to have it and focusing on the lack of it. Two choices. That's it. Everything else is just an excuse so we don't have to accept that we are these powerful, empowered beings.

Every possible option already exists in the Field. Infinite Intelligence already knows every possible option and combination of components It could ever want ~ that's what makes It omnipotent. You know how religious organizations teach us that God is omnipotent, knows all, sees all? While these religious structures use that Truth as a way to keep us in line ("God is watching and knows everything you do, so watch out / feel guilty / don't get caught"), the truth behind that Truth is just as I stated ~ Infinite Intelligence already knows every possible option and combination of components It could ever want. That makes sense because It created us and E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G in existence, seen and unseen. Most of the options are located in the unseen ~ did you know that 90% of the Universe "disappeared" after the Big Bang? Yes, only 10% of what was created exists as we see it now. The other 90% likely exists as other dimensions and realms, and our options and choices are in the unseen realms.

On a cloudy day, do we believe the sun is gone because we cannot see it? No, we know it's there, it's just behind a bank of clouds. Options work the same way ~ by focusing our thoughts and emotions on how it feels to being living these options, we speak to the Unseen and ask that our desired option be put on the conveyor belt from the unseen realms, to eventually come through the Grid into the physical.

Accessing the feelings is the key. I cannot state this emphatically, or often, enough. The Feeling is what brings the thing to us. Every time. No exceptions. Abraham says: "Everything you think you want, it is because you believe that you will feel better in the having of it. When you realize you can feel better just by focusing on it as though it were already manifest, and you can feel that feeling any time you desire, then that releases your attachment to the outcome, and it will manifest. It is law."

But how many of us take / make the time ~ make the time ~ for reflecting, visualizing and feeling heart-based emotion? Rather, we spend time and energy worrying or fretting that "it" won't come, or "it" won't come in time. Why not use that energy in a more powerful, higher vibrating way? I mean, if you're going to spend time on it anyway ~ you see?

Now, as to "living as if," this is a wonderful practice and I know that it works because I've had that experience. When I was recovering from many years in a toxic work environment, with very little money coming in, I refrained from curttailing my spending. I wanted to feel good, and if I had the money to take me and my daughter to our favorite restaurant ~ Don Pablo's, love their chips and salsa!! ~ then I did. I heard the voice that said, "How can you spend your money on that? You can eat at home, you need to save just in case, this is irresponsible . . . blah, blah, blah" and I affirmed that I wanted to feel good and prosperous, and going to dinner helped me to access that feeling. Interestingly, many of those times, our dinner was comp'd or we were only charged for drinks, or they gave us dessert for free. I was in the zone!

Same thing with manicures and pedicures. I love how I feel after a mani / pedi and I continued to get them. If I had an urge to make a big purchase or monetary commitment and I didn't see the money right now, I used the feeling and visualization techniques that I had learned. And, I worked on my faith in Infinite Intelligence. After many years of religious conditioning, I had some issues and struggles there, but I learned to see that these "hard times" gave me the opportunity to see where I had old beliefs that were holding me back, and I took the time to work on them.

I had a friend who deeply desired a relationship with her Beloved ~ this was the area of life that her Soul used for her Mastery. She did all these techniques I've outlined, and then she made some demonstrations in the physical, too. Every night she would set a place for him at the dinner table; each morning she would put two coffee mugs next to the coffeemaker as it percolated; she had an empty drawer in her dresser for his things; she made space in her closet and her medicine chest. When she would start to move into feelings of "This just emphasizes to me how much he isn't here" (and that would happen from time to time) she would make a conscious, deliberate decision to shift her feelings in the other direction. It took effort and focus, but it worked. She has now been married to this man for almost 3 years.

When we are focused in our personality / ego, we resist this inner work because of any number of reasons, none of which is valid, by the way. And since what we resist persists . . . you get the picture.

It would benefit us to see "now" in a new way ~ not in terms of time, because we don't have control over timing. Our Soul is in charge and is working with all the moving parts, so we can let go of that. When we affirm "now", we aren't talking about timing, we are talking about claiming something that is ours by Divine right. "I claim my perfect relationship / job situation as my own now."

These are issues of time ("now") and space ("seen"), and both are illusions. Since our personality / ego believes that time and space are real, this is an opportunity for Mastery, to shift our perception, but it can be done with focus, attention and perseverance. Shift your perspective from the Ego / Personality, to that of the Soul. Feel how that feels ~ to me it feels limitless, expansive, creative. Then say to yourself, "I am wanting to feel limitless, expansive, creative (and any other adjective, feeling words that resonate with you)."

So, in summary, focus on the feeling of whatever you are desiring as already in your experience; focus on feling good in general for no particular reason; shift your perspective from that of the Personality to that of the Soul; and develop your faith in yourself, the process, and Infinite Intelligence. And if you can come up with ways to demonstrate in the physical, all the better!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Feeling is the Prayer

So much is going on in Consciousness right now ~ do you feel it? We underwent a Solar Eclipse on Tuesday, the longest of this century at 6 minutes and 39 seconds. In addition, Wednesday marked the beginning of a new moon cycle. Very powerful energies. There is a lot of deeper information on the Web if you feel inclined to investigate further.

This New Moon is in Cancer ~ as was the previous New Moon. Cancer is all about feeling, and the Moon is very comfortable in Cancer. We are encouraged and invited to become comfortable with and indeed utilize, the realm of feelings, especially as we intend to connect to Who We Are, at our core.

I facilitate a Meetup group whose members desire to learn and understand how to deliberately focus on what we would like to experience, and the topic of this Meetup is a tool that Abraham calls "pre-paving." We can use it every morning to set the tone of our day, before or after meditation as we visualize the life we desire to experience, and when we are dealing with a troublesome meeting, appointment or event where we would normally feel dread but push through anyway. Those are a few of its uses.

Pre-paving involves focused thought which then invokes the emotion we experience in our body.

The result of thought and emotion is feeling, and that is the language through which we communicate with Infinite Intelligence. The Essene Gospel says, "Three are the houses of the sons and daughters of Man ~ thought, feeling and emotion. When three become one, you will say to the mountain 'move' and the mountain will move."

Typically, feelings are the realm of the Feminine ~ which does not preclude women from living in their heads! So it's a fair playing field ~ all of Humankind is being encouraged and invited to become comfortable with the realm of feelings. Understand this is compulsory, not optional, if we are to experience Heaven on Earth.

Soul is the realm of feeling, and feeling is the realm of Soul. In the very ancient science of Gematria ~ the precursor to what we know as Numerology ~ "soul," "heaven," and "God" all have the same numerical value and therefore the same meaning. If we want to access the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God or the realm of the Soul, we do so through our feeling technology.

Consciousness responds to feeling. Gregg Braden, on his CD series, "Speaking the Lost Language of God," expresses this beautifully:

"As we choose the quality of thought, feeling and emotion within our bodies that support what we would choose to have in our lives, that feeling, is the language that communicates to the [Field, Quantum Hologram, Divine Intelligence] around us, to the intelligence that responds to human emotion, how to bring that reality into our world."

This is a conversation ~ we have an effect on Consciousness and Consciousness has an effect on us.

Look around you ~ what are you saying to Infinite Intelligence?

Monday, July 13, 2009

"You know you got to go through hell before you get to Heaven . . ."

So I'm listening to Steve Miller's "Jet Airliner" on my way in to work, and it's such a beautiful morning, so I've got my sun roof open, windows down, Steve Miller way up loud (as God intended) and I hear that line ~ "you know you got to go through hell before you get to heaven." Well, as I am wont to do, I start thinking about that line in terms of the Law of Attraction, and what it signifies in a broader context. Many religious traditions teach that being here in a physical body on earth, "separated" from Infinite Intelligence, striving for the perfection of the Christ ~ which by the way you'll never reach, but strive anyway, but you'll never get there because you are imperfect from beginning to end, but strive anyway, but you'll always have the stain of Original sin, but strive anyway ~ is hell-ish, and that our *reward* will be achieved once we have left this physical plain ~ maybe, if we've reached some level of perfection, but first maybe a stint in purgatory, which by definition is "a process of purification in which the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for Heaven." But, you know, what's a few thousand years when you're looking at infinity?


So in the context of the Law of Attraction, here is a much more uplifting and empowering accounting of Life.

Infinite Intelligence, desiring to know itself fully, focuses a infinitesimal part of itself (the Soul) into a physical body ~ maybe that's why traditional religions seem to harp on how small and unimportant we "are" ~ here in Earth school, if you will, and that is US. We are not separate from God ~ we are God and God is us. Did you know that science has found a signature, encoded by the Creator, in each cell of our bodies, which says, "God / Eternal Within the Body?" It's encoded in our DNA!

The Soul, that part of Infinite Intelligence (InfInt) that sparks life in us, is InfInt wishing to experience and expand its understanding. The Personality (some call this the Ego) is that which is capable of discerning a preference, and as such Ego/Personality is an essential component of Life experience.

The Soul wants it all because it understands the Infiniteness of itself and perceives its limitlessness and infinite freedom. The Personality's role is to work within the context of "time" and "space," and understanding the perception that there is limited span in each life time, it prioritizes and discerns preference based on priorities. The Soul then experiences the Personality's preference, all the while expanding and evolving, and all the while encouraging the Personality to become aware of how it makes its choices, and to align its focus with the Soul. Even when the Personality, through its focus and dominant essence, "chooses" what may be perceived as a "negative" experience, the Soul continues to expand because since InfInt is always life-affirming, it perceives the Personality's "negative" choice ~ "I don't want to be sick / poor / lonely / useless" ~ in an expanding, positive way ~ "I am wanting to feel healthy / prosperous / belonging / valued." The physical discomfort we feel ~ worried, scared, fearful ~ when we are focusing on the lack of what we want is an indication from the Soul to our Awareness that the essence of our focus is out of alignment with the Soul's nature as a limitless, infinite, light-bearing piece of Infinite Intelligence. IT IS NOT REAL.

Infinite Intelligence knows its true essence which is love, and love has access to and the ability to manifest all things and especially good and desirable things, things which are ours by DIVINE RIGHT. But the personality has been conditioned to forget that, through family and cultural conditioning, religious conditioning, and the world in general. This is why it's preferable to cultivate a perspective of being in the world and not of the world. In the Gospel of Thomas verse 42, the Master said, "Be passersby." When you get caught up in, or attached to, things of this world (meaning you see them as real and essential to your ~ the Personality's ~ happiness, well-being, and security), you return to a state of perceived separateness -- HELL.

And in that state, you perceive that contrast as HELL. But contrast is helpful because without it, we could not discern preference, we could not look for something better, and we must look for something better because it is in the looking that we create, and that's what draws life force to us and that is what creates more life!

This Universe, of which Earth is an important part, is contrast-based ~ that is to say everything, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, has its opposite and as we grow and learn and experience, we experience that contrast. From that contrast, we discern our particular preference, in any given circumstance. When we focus on our preference, we go within ~ "the kindgom of heaven is within you" Luke 17:21 ~ by virtue of our thoughts, and then our feelings. And as we stay focused on our preference, we feel better and better because we are focusing on something we desire and we enjoy how it feels to experience that preference, that desire. (Unless we are in a state of resistance, where we doubt our ability to manifest our preference, or where we doubt our deservedness ~ THAT is a whole different note).

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why "you've got to go through hell before you get to heaven." It's all good!

When you understand your true identity, that you are Infinite Intelligence in a physical body for the purpose of creating life in all ways, you will release your fear (whatever name you give it) and it will become easier and easier to focus on your wonderous creations, rather than worrying about what you perceive as "already is."

So ~ when you are feeling anything other than good, your Personality is not in alignment with the Soul. You are focusing on what you do not want, rather than what you do want. Train yourself to turn your attention back to what you do want ~ this is what the Master meant by "turn the other cheek." Turn your focus away from the lack of what you want, back to what you want, and continue to do that until it becomes second nature. (It's actually your First Nature, but, you know, tomato, tomato . . . .)

One of the best ways to align your Personality with your Soul is to get yourself into a state of appreciation. Everyone has something in their life that they can feel true appreciation for ~ the weather, nature, music, being ALIVE ~ so get yourself into a state of appreciation for what you already have, especially if something of which you already have is very similar to what you want to manifest. For example, I recently went out with a man who has many of the attributes that I'm looking for in a life partner. Right now, we are too far apart on the path to manifest a shared vision with regard to relationship, but I'm focusing on those parts of him that make me feel good ~ I like that he is kind and open-hearted, he has great eyes and a great voice, he's very tall, he's smart and funny. In a state of appreciation, I am allowing into my experience more and more of the same so that that relationship that I have expressed a preference for can come through ~ it might be him or it might be someone else. Either way, it's there and coming to me.

A state of appreciation and focusing on feeling good is an empowering aspect of this creative process. In the Gospel of Thomas verse 41, the Master says, "Whoever has something in hand will be given more, and whoever has nothing (focusing on the lack) will be deprived of even the little they have." Yes. If you stay focused on the lack long enough, then you will eventually manifest total lack.

Fortunately, lack has a much slower, denser vibration to it and takes a lot longer to manifest than the higher vibration of abundance and appreciation.

The Master said, "Congratulations to the person who has toiled [PREFERRED] and found Life" in the Gospel of Thomas verse 58.

He also said, in verse 70, ""If you bring forth what is within you [YOUR DIVINE IDENTITY AS AN INFINITE, LIMITLESS BEING OF INFINITE INTELLIGENCE], what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you [IF YOU STAY FOCUSED ON PERCEIVED SEPARATION AND DIMINUTION OF WHO YOU REALLY ARE AT YOUR CORE], what you do not have within you [will] kill you."

We make life very complicated but at its deepest, core nature, there are only two choices: life-affirming or life-denying.Which will you choose today?

"Good night, New York, we love youuuuuuu..........." \ii/